Roles & Responsibilities
• Works as a Clinical Solutions Consultant with the Critical Care sales team – providing the required pre-sale product demonstration (or clinical trial support) as well as post-sale installation, training and/or customer service activities to support sale objectives for their territory and align with the organizational objectives
• Collaborate with Product Managers to devise the clinical strategy including CMEs (Continuous Medical Education) planned monthly/yearly activities for key customers, clinical assessments, user acceptance, ongoing customer clinical engagements to ensure successful market execution and implementation
• Provide technical and clinical leadership during sales process by demonstrating full range of product features including potential uses, product capabilities and benefits to customers as needed
• Acts as a clinical resource for sales and account management teams. Provide up-to-date information regarding education and in-service
• Provides potential leads for new products, opportunities and customers to the sales team that are uncovered during product demonstrations, evaluation and training
• Support trade shows and professional conferences by performing product demonstration and promotion as well as customer training
• Use market and product knowledge to assist sales team in developing sales, marketing, and customer service strategies
• Provide feedback to product / marketing management with information on reference sites, system performance, competitors’ products, customer reactions and effectiveness of sales arguments, etc
• Provide clinical value addition, Therapy upgradation for better patient safety and better patient outcomes, problem-solving/troubleshooting support to customers and work together with service engineers to resolve clinical-related issues, as well as escalate to regional for help needed in unresolved issues.
• Provides telephone clinical/technical support to customers
• Develop and maintain relationships with customers and be prepared to adequately handle their queries
• Keep oneself updated with the medical knowledge in the field of CRRT/RCA/Heart & Lung
• Create and execute training programs for the external and internal customers
• Attain training through organization resources and become the Product Application Specialist
• Constantly work towards enabling the skill and knowledge level of the sales team to be able to engage the Customers clinically.
• Work alongside the Sales team regularly to mentor them towards upscaling the skill and give feedbacks to all the relevant stakeholders.
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Wir teilen unsere Informationen und Erfahrungen untereinander, da wir so aus unseren Fehlern und voneinander lernen können. Wir gehen Herausforderungen gemeinsam an, indem wir uns an Kollegen in der Nähe und in der Ferne wenden. Wir sind offen in unserer Kommunikation.
Wir hinterfragen den Status quo und zeigen Interesse daran, was um uns herum passiert . Wir stellen die nötigen Fragen, um zu verstehen, was getan werden muss. Wir übernehmen Verantwortung für die Ergebnisse.
Wir lassen uns an unseren eigenen Ansprüchen messen, verhalten uns respektvoll und gehen mit gutem Beispiel voran. Unser tägliches Handeln basiert auf Integrität und der Einhaltung unserer Standards.
Wir machen die Dinge heute besser, als sie es gestern waren. Wir bringen unsere Ideen für Verbesserungen und Innovationen ein.
Menschen stärken. Versorgung verbessern. Unser Werte sind unsere Mission.
Wir tun alles, um das Leben der Menschen besser, einfacher und länger zu machen. Unsere Teams arbeiten bereichsübergreifend daran, die komplexe Funktion der Nieren mit Behandlungen zu reproduzieren, die hohen Qualitätsstandards entsprechen, klinische Ergebnisse verbessern, nachhaltig sind und allen Richtlinien entsprechen. Wir fördern Diversität und Inklusion als zentrale Elemente eines positiven, unterstützenden Arbeitsumfelds. Diese Werte helfen uns bei unserer Mission, hochwertige Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln, um die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden unserer Patienten zu verbessern und Fresenius Medical Care in eine erfolgreiche, nachhaltige Zukunft zu führen.