Clinical and Patient Services


Address: Carrera 41C No.73-71, Barranquilla, Atlántico 080020, Colombia

Job ID: R0027527

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As a Clinic Manager at Fresenius Medical Care, you’ll manage the daily operations of our outpatient centers. More importantly, you’ll be the key driver in carrying out our mission: To deliver superior care that improves the quality of life of every patient, every day, setting the standard by which others in the health care industry are judged. This is accomplished by hiring, developing and inspiring a multi-disciplinary team, collaborating with physicians, tracking and delivering superior patient outcomes and monitoring regulatory and safety requirements. Strong management skills are required and prior direct patient care experience is needed for occasions when the team needs a helping hand.

A female nurse examining her patient

Patient Care Technicians (PCTs) at Fresenius Medical Care support and collaborate with RNs to provide dialysis treatment to several patients at a time while maintaining the functionality of the clinic. This involves prepping and testing equipment, reviewing treatment sheets, and opening the clinic at 4am for first shift. PCTs have a combination of technical skills and genuine passion needed to develop deep relationships with patients and improve their quality of life. Qualified candidates have prior customer service, healthcare and direct patient care experience, and will have the opportunity to learn the discipline of dialysis.

A female nurse examining her patient

Fresenius Medical Care nurses are on the front line of patient care, improving the quality of life of every patient, every day. That means providing dialysis care to 10-12 patients at any given time, and collaborating with our multi-disciplinary team to deliver a unique care plan to each one of them. This role is all about relationships and the bond you’ll create with patients and their families. Prior dialysis nursing experience is helpful, but many successful candidates come from a background in ICU, PCU and/or surgery.

A female nurse examining her patient

Job Description

Cumplir con los más altos principios humanísticos, éticos

y científicos en la atención a los pacientes del Centro

· Estar PRESENTE durante los procesos de conexión y

desconexión de pacientes en HD

· Realizar valoración diaria de los pacientes de HD,

haciendo énfasis en Acceso vascular, Estado de

hidratación (peso seco), Signos vitales etc

· Registrar en la Historia Clínica, los hallazgos pertinentes,

derivados de dicha valoración

· Garantizar que la prescripción de diálisis se cumpla

(acceso, filtro, heparina, terapia, QB,QD, tiempo, etc)

· Revisar los laboratorios mensuales del paciente y alertar

al nefrólogo sobre las variaciones

· Atender cualquier situación que se presente durante la

terapia y que puedan afectar la seguridad del paciente

· Revisar mensualmente los pies de los pacientes en


· Realizar conciliación farmacoterapéutica con el paciente e

informar al nefrólogo, los cambios requeridos

· Realizar las fórmulas médicas pertinentes y las

certificaciones de acuerdo con el nefrólogo de la UR

· Elaborar estadísticas e informes medicos

· Participar activamente en los comités de la unidad

· Liderar el Comité de vigilancia epidemiológica (COVE),

infecciones y uso racional de antibióticos.

· Realizar los registros veraces, oportunos y completos, de

los acontecimientos en la historia clínica de cada paciente.

· Garantizar la completitud y seguridad en los procesos de

referencia y contrarreferencia.

· Garantizar el diligenciamiento oportuno, adecuado y

completo de los documentos requeridos Seroconversión,

muerte, Pie Diabético, etc.

· Mantener una comunicación permanente y cordial con el

personal asistencial, de apoyo y administrativo del Centro,

para su buen funcionamiento

· Velar por el cumplimiento de las metas de los indicadores

médicos en la unidad renal.

· Participar en cursos de actualización de Medicina en

general y preventiva

· Promover la capacitación y educación continuada del

personal del Centro.

· Educar al paciente en autocuidado

· Cumplir con los protocolos de manejo de FME y Guía de

atención de la enfermedad renal crónica del

MinProtección Social

· Participar en los trabajos científicos desarrollados en la

Unidad Renal.

· Cumplir las normas de bioética.

· Consultar a las instancias médicas superiores cualquier

duda científica o ética que pueda surgir en el desarrollo de

los actos médicos

Success Profile

What makes a successful member of our team? Check out the top traits we are looking for and see if you have the right mix.

Success profile proportion

Success Profile

What makes a successful member of our team? Check out the top traits we are looking for and see if you have the right mix.

Success profile proportion

Success Profile

What makes a successful member of our team? Check out the top traits we are looking for and see if you have the right mix.

Success profile proportion
“You have a lot of the doctors trust you. You have to be able to make decisions on your own.”
Inpatient Services RN

We've got your back.

We fully believe that dedication and passion should be recognized and rewarded. That’s why we offer a competitive compensation and benefits package to all of our employees. Our benefits provide the flexibility, choice and support you need to be at your best as you play a vital part in helping patients live longer, better and healthier lives.

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