Clinical and Patient Services

Enfermera/o (Alcobendas)

Address: Av. Valdelaparra, 66, Madrid, MD 28100, Spain

Job ID: R0184742

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As a Clinic Manager at Fresenius Medical Care, you’ll manage the daily operations of our outpatient centers. More importantly, you’ll be the key driver in carrying out our mission: To deliver superior care that improves the quality of life of every patient, every day, setting the standard by which others in the health care industry are judged. This is accomplished by hiring, developing and inspiring a multi-disciplinary team, collaborating with physicians, tracking and delivering superior patient outcomes and monitoring regulatory and safety requirements. Strong management skills are required and prior direct patient care experience is needed for occasions when the team needs a helping hand.

A female nurse examining her patient

Patient Care Technicians (PCTs) at Fresenius Medical Care support and collaborate with RNs to provide dialysis treatment to several patients at a time while maintaining the functionality of the clinic. This involves prepping and testing equipment, reviewing treatment sheets, and opening the clinic at 4am for first shift. PCTs have a combination of technical skills and genuine passion needed to develop deep relationships with patients and improve their quality of life. Qualified candidates have prior customer service, healthcare and direct patient care experience, and will have the opportunity to learn the discipline of dialysis.

A female nurse examining her patient

Fresenius Medical Care nurses are on the front line of patient care, improving the quality of life of every patient, every day. That means providing dialysis care to 10-12 patients at any given time, and collaborating with our multi-disciplinary team to deliver a unique care plan to each one of them. This role is all about relationships and the bond you’ll create with patients and their families. Prior dialysis nursing experience is helpful, but many successful candidates come from a background in ICU, PCU and/or surgery.

A female nurse examining her patient

Inpatient RNs at Fresenius Medical Care perform dialysis treatments on an acute patient population in a hospital setting, including ICU, ER, Rehab, and Med/Surg units. What makes this role truly unique is the level of autonomy you’ll enjoy. Inpatient nurses are specifically accountable for administering and assessing each patient’s treatment plan. And because dialysis is a critical treatment for many hospital procedures and health conditions, you’ll have the opportunity to work with a wide variety of patients. Ideal candidates possess leadership skills and independence needed to make quick decisions in a fast-paced environment. Must be capable of educating patients and providing exceptional customer service to our partners. Six months to one year of dialysis experience or some form of critical care nursing experience are also required.

A female nurse examining her patient

Job Description

Es responsable de aplicar el tratamiento pautado por el Equipo Médico (Nefróloga/Nefrólogo) y resto de cuidados sanitarios a los pacientes con insuficiencia renal ya sea con la terapia estándar o en hemodiafiltración On-line, siguiendo para ello tanto los protocolos de actuación como las guías corporativas de aplicación en cada momento, observando los estándares de calidad de servicio al paciente, establecidos por la compañía.

¿Cuáles serán tus funciones?

  • Asegurar que tanto los monitores como los materiales para el tratamiento (líneas, filtros, etc.) estén preparados para su utilización según los protocolos y guías vigentes.
  • Valorar al paciente al llegar a la Unidad, identificando tanto el estado del acceso vascular como posibles parámetros (hiperpotasemia, depleción de volumen, etc.).
  • Liderar la verificación de las distintas pruebas intra o postdiálisis establecidas, incluyendo la administración de medicamentos, transfusiones sanguíneas, extracción de anticuerpos, ECG, etc., según prescripción médica.
  • Elaborar informes de enfermería y registrar todos los datos tanto clínicos como de otra índole establecidos en el sistema de gestión de calidad de la compañía en el soporte o programa que en cada momento determine la empresa.
  • Informar y asesorar al paciente durante el tratamiento en temas tales como la dieta, ingesta de líquidos, cuidados FAV, tratamiento medicamentoso, etc., coordinando en su caso la comunicación con los familiares en los temas relacionados al tratamiento.
  • Valorar el estado general del paciente antes de que éste abandone la unidad.
  • Garantizar la calidad y seguridad de los procesos de extracción de muestras de los pacientes bajo su responsabilidad.
  • Evaluar y participar activamente en las acciones de mejora que se identifiquen en relación con la actividad, tanto en el día a día, como en reuniones de seguimiento y/o auditorías.
  • Conocer y cumplir las Guías corporativas, instrucciones de trabajo y protocolos internos de aplicación establecidos por la compañía (“Guía de Higiene”, “Guía de Buenas Prácticas”, Sistema Integral de Calidad, Compliance, etc.), así como la normativa legal de aplicación vigente (Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, Gestión de Residuos, Farmacovigilancia, Protección de Datos, etc.).
  • Asistir a los cursos de formación establecidos por la compañía.
  • Asegurar la atención integral al paciente, realizando los procesos necesarios a nivel multiprofesional que garantice la continuidad asistencial en beneficio del paciente.
  • Segregar adecuadamente los residuos generados y depositarlos en los contenedores y recipientes habilitados.
  • Cumplir los requisitos establecidos en la documentación del Sistema de Calidad y Gestión Ambiental de la empresa y velar por su cumplimiento a todos los niveles de la organización.
  • Conocer los manuales de buenas prácticas ambientales y aplicarlos en el desempeño de sus tareas.

Success Profile

What makes a successful member of our team? Check out the top traits we are looking for and see if you have the right mix.

Success profile proportion

Success Profile

What makes a successful member of our team? Check out the top traits we are looking for and see if you have the right mix.

Success profile proportion

Success Profile

What makes a successful member of our team? Check out the top traits we are looking for and see if you have the right mix.

Success profile proportion

Success Profile

What makes a successful member of our team? Check out the top traits we are looking for and see if you have the right mix.

Success profile proportion
“I successfully completed the RN program and went on to hold the position of Staff RN, Charge Nurse, and finally Clinical Manager.”
Clinical Manager
“Every day I walk in I am changing lives for the better and working to inspire my patients.”
Patient Care Technician
“I am a member of an outstanding team that helps patients gain more control, achieve tangible goals, and live better lives.”
Outpatient Services RN
“My goal is to make sure that our patients keep their mobility and quality of life. This goal is really personal for me. My own father always had really bad vasculature in his leg and never had access to the kind of care we offer — eventually he lost blood flow and mobility. Knowing what he went through makes me even more committed to our mission.”
Warren J.
Azura Regional Vice President

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We fully believe that dedication and passion should be recognized and rewarded. That’s why we offer a competitive compensation and benefits package to all of our employees. Our benefits provide the flexibility, choice and support you need to be at your best as you play a vital part in helping patients live longer, better and healthier lives.

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