HomeJob SearchShipper/Receiver
Lachine, Quebec, CANPermanent positionFull time


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Soutenir la mission, la vision, les valeurs fondamentales et la philosophie du service à la clientèle de FME Canada. Respecter le programme de conformité de FME Canada, notamment en se conformant à toutes les exigences réglementaires et aux politiques de la division ou de l'entreprise.

Sous la direction du directeur de l'entrepôt, cette personne sera responsable de toutes les questions relatives à l'expédition et à la réception des produits de Fresenius Medical Care, ainsi qu'à leur stockage et à leur déplacement au sein du centre de distribution.



  • Responsable du développement de la culture de FME Canada à travers les valeurs et les normes de service à la clientèle.

  • Responsable de l'excellence du service à la clientèle pour tous les clients externes et internes.

  • Développe et maintient des relations efficaces grâce à une communication efficace et opportune.

  • Prendre l'initiative et agir pour répondre, résoudre et assurer le suivi des problèmes de service à la clientèle avec tous les clients en temps opportun.


  • Recevoir et expédier les marchandises conformément aux procédures d'exploitation normalisées et aux pratiques exemplaires en matière de sécurité de Fresenius Medical Care Canada.

  • Utiliser le chariot élévateur et tout autre équipement en toute sécurité.

  • Remplir, vérifier et préparer les commandes à expédier.

  • Stockez l’inventaire après sa réception en stock.

  • Recevoir et enregistrer les retours des clients et des patients.

  • Utiliser les différents systèmes d'expédition dont dispose Fresenius, tels que le système Purolator.

  • Participer aux inventaires si nécessaire.

  • Inspecter et vérifier les marchandises entrantes par rapport à la facture ou au bordereau d'expédition, en refusant les marchandises incorrectes ou endommagées.

  • Maintenir l'entrepôt dans un état de propreté convenant à un établissement de soins de santé.

  • Porter un téléavertisseur le cas échéant.

  • Saisir la réception des marchandises dans le système AX, le cas échéant.

  • Autres tâches assignées.


Les exigences physiques et les caractéristiques de l'environnement de travail décrites ici sont représentatives de celles auxquelles un employé est confronté dans l'exercice des fonctions essentielles de ce poste. Des aménagements raisonnables peuvent être apportés pour permettre aux personnes handicapées de remplir les fonctions essentielles.

Tâches typiques d'un entrepôt, conduite d'un véhicule tracteur, levage régulier de charges allant jusqu'à 50 livres, marche ou station debout jusqu'à 50 % du temps sur un sol en béton. Exposition à des conditions météorologiques extrêmes lors du chargement des camions. Travail de bureau et travail sur l’ordinateur.


  • Diplôme d'études secondaires


  • 1 à 2 ans d'expérience dans un centre de distribution.

  • Connaissance pratique de l'informatique, y compris des systèmes informatiques d'expédition.

  • Capacité à travailler en collaboration dans un environnement d'équipe sur une variété de fonctions.

  • Il doit être capable d'interagir avec les employés de tous les départements/niveaux de FME Canada, ainsi qu'avec les entreprises de transport.

  • Connaissance de la sécurité et de la réglementation de Santé Canada.

  • Expérience de la conduite d'un chariot élévateur à fourche ou certification souhaitée.


Contacts internes: tous les employés internes de RH, tous les employés de la distribution au Canada, FUSA

Contacts externes: Sociétés de fret, entrepôts tiers, courtiers en douane, sociétés de destruction, sociétés d'enlèvement des déchets et de recyclage.


Les tâches énumérées dans la présente description de poste sont uniquement destinées à illustrer les différents types de travail qui peuvent être effectués. L'omission d'énoncés spécifiques de tâches n'exclut pas les candidats du poste si le travail est similaire, connexe ou constitue une affectation logique au poste.


Supports FME Canada's mission, vision, core values and customer service philosophy. Adheres to the FME Canada Compliance Program, including following all regulatory and division/company policy requirements.

Under the direction of the Warehouse Manager, this individual will be responsible for all matters pertaining to the shipping and receiving of Fresenius Medical Care products, and the storing and movement within the distribution centre.



  • Responsible for driving the FME Canada culture through values and customer service standards.
  • Accountable for outstanding customer service to all external and internal customers.
  • Develops and maintains effective relationships through effective and timely communication.
  • Takes initiative and action to respond, resolve and follow up regarding customer service issues with all customers in a timely manner.


  • Receive and ship goods in accordance with Fresenius Medical Care Canada standard operating procedures and safety best practices.

  • Operate forklift and any other equipment in a safe manner.

  • Fill, check and prepare orders to be shipped.

  • Store inventory after it has been received into stock.

  • Receive and record customer and patient returns.

  • Utilize various shipping systems that Fresenius has in house, such as the Purolator system.

  • Participate in inventory counts as needed.

  • Inspect and verify incoming goods against invoice or packing slip, refusing incorrect and damaged goods.

  • Maintain warehouse in proper clean condition befitting a healthcare facility.

  • Carry a pager when required.

  • Enter receipt of goods in AX system — when required.

  • Other duties as assigned.


The physical demands and work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

Typical warehouse duties, driving tow motor, regular lifting up to 50 lbs., walking or standing up to 50% of the time on concrete floor. Some exposure to extreme weather while loading trucks. Some office/computer work.


  • High school diploma


  • 1-2 years experience working in a distribution centre environment.

  • Working knowledge of computers including shipping computer systems.

  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment on a variety of work functions.

  • Must be able to interact with employees within all departments/levels of FME Canada, as well as freight companies.

  • Knowledge of safety and Health Canada regulations.

  • Forklift operation experience or certification preferred.


Internal Contacts; All internal employees in RH, All distribution employees in Canada, FUSA

External Contacts: Freight companies, 3 rd party warehouses, customs brokers, Destruction Company, waste removal & recycling companies


The duties listed in this job description are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the position.

Career with a purpose

Career with a purpose

We offer an opportunity to create and deliver treatments that save and change lives for the better. We’ll support your ongoing development. And you’ll be part of a dedicated team of people who inspire each other to create the best possible healthcare outcomes each and every day.
Inclusion and diversity

Inclusion and diversity

Joining Fresenius Medical Care means becoming part of a team that values diversity. We embrace the wealth of different backgrounds, cultures, experiences and opinions that make up our workforce and strive to create an inclusive atmosphere in which all our employees feel valued.


Developing innovative products and continuously improving our renal therapies made us the clear market leader in the production of hemodialysis machines, with sustainable, profitable growth . This position provides our 125000 employees with the stability and security they need to help improve the lives of our patients.
Learning and development

Learning and development

We offer participation in programs at world-class business schools, leadership development, regular training for our nurses, health care professionals and manufacturing staff and digital access to high-quality educational content for all employees worldwide 24/7. 
Local benefits

Local benefits

Our employees enjoy both local and global opportunities for growth and personal fulfilment. We offer local benefits designed to suit the requirements of the respective country and place of work to create ideal conditions everywhere.
Work-life balance

Work-life balance

We want to empower people to deliver better care. Therefore, we promote a better work-life balance through flexible working hours, part-time models, the possibility to work from home, and more.
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At a glance

Earliest possible start:


Contract type:

Permanent position


Fresenius Medical Care

Region / Business Unit:

North America


Lachine (Quebec, CAN)

Working condition:

Full time

Job Function:

Purchasing, Supply Chain & Logistics

Reference number:


Publishing date:


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We care about sharing information and experiences as this helps us learn from our mistakes and each other. We tackle challenges together by reaching out to colleagues both near and far. We communicate openly.


We challenge the status quo and show interest in what happens around us. We ask questions to clearly understand what needs to be done and take ownership of the results.


We live up to our own expectations, show respect and lead by example. We act with integrity and in line with our standards every day.


We make things better today than they were yesterday. We pitch ideas on how to improve and innovate.

What we stand for

Empowering people. Advancing care. Inspiring with our purpose and values.

Everything we do here is about making people’s lives better, simpler and longer. Our teams work cross-functionally to reproduce the complex function of kidneys with treatments that meet high quality standards, improve clinical outcomes, and are sustainable and compliant. Internally, we promote diversity and inclusion as key elements of a positive, supportive work environment. Our values support our mission to develop high quality products and services, to have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of patients, and to lead Fresenius Medical Care towards a successful, sustainable future.